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Keep Track Of Your Training With A Running Blog

Written by realbuzz team | 15 Apr 2019

Find out why you should start a running training blog. Not only will it help keep you on track but it will act as a permanent reminder of everything you and your running shoes have been through.

What's a running blog?

Blogs are online logs or diaries that enable you to record any aspect of your training; your times, routes or training techniques. All this information builds a picture of how your training is progressing as well as helping you pinpointiany areas of weakness.

But, if you want to keep your blog straightforward, you can. You can use your blog to record simply how you feel during your sessions; good days, bad days or even the best post-workout treat you have discovered. That is the beauty of the blog – it’s up to you.

Another plus is the boost a blog can give you when your motivation is rock bottom and you need a kick-start to get out and complete a session – as the last thing you want is a gap in your blog showing you skived off.

So, if you are interested in starting a blog, then look no further. You just need to be signed up to realbuzz and then you can start your own blog and document your path to running success.

To give you an insight, the realbuzz running training blogs have some of the following features:

Document as much as you like

Write as little or as much as you like - there is no limit. If you like to write every last detail of your training, down to what socks you wore, then go ahead. If you prefer short snappy posts then go ahead and micro-blog.

Add your photos & videos

This facility allows you to add images and videos to your blog in order that your blog becomes the most entertaining on the site.

Running community

All your blog entries (if you wish) can be read by other realbuzzers on the site who are able to comment and offer advice about your posts. Plus, you can do the same for them. Comments received can really help with your motivation and keep your training on track.


If you’re not quite ready to make your running story public then you can opt to keep it all private should you intend your blog to be 'for your eyes only'.


Like to be informed when your favourite bloggers add a new post? Well, you can use the ‘follow’ feature and use your site settings in order to receive email notifications or on-site notifications each time a new blog post is made.

Easy set up

Setting up a blog is easy. Just think of your blog as a book in which each blog post is a new chapter that you write. Your are the author in control of your own story!

So why not give blogging a go?

Each entry you make to your blog should hopefully be one step nearer to your goal, so keep track of your training and start a running training blog today. Our community of blogging realbuzzers are a dedicated bunch who will give you all the motivation and assitance you need to reach your running target.