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How Attending A Residential Run Training Camp Can Benefit You

Written by Louise Damen | 15 Apr 2019

You’ll find them advertised all over running magazines; no longer are residential training camps the privilege of the elite, they can be enjoyed by everyone, whatever your ability. However, are they worth the investment? Check out the benefits of residing on a run training camp.

1. You’ll meet like-minded runners

The running fraternity tend to be a friendly bunch and attending a residential training camp is a great way to meet like-minded runners. Training with others can certainly be both motivating and performance enhancing. Not only does it make the tough sessions more enjoyable, the positive peer pressure can push you to hit splits that would be difficult to do solo. You also may develop life-long friendships.

2. You’ll escape everyday distractions

Juggling training with everyday life can be difficult at the best of times. However, a residential training camp environment should enable you to escape the pressures of work and everyday chores, allowing you to focus on quality training and recovery. Remember, you can only train as hard as you can recover!

3. You’ll enjoy a change of training venue

‘A change is as good as a rest’ as the saying goes! Runners tend to be creatures of habit and often stick to the same tried and tested training routes and venues. However, by attending a residential training camp you’ll break the monotony and enjoy a change of scenery which can really boost your motivation and put a spring in your step. Depending on location, you may also enjoy a warmer climate and having a little bit of sun on your back certainly makes training that little bit easier!

4. You may have access to coaching and medical support

One of the many perks of attending a residential training camp is that you may have access to some expert advice which can help you to get the very best from your running. Most training camps are headed by qualified coaches who can provide additional guidance with your training programme.

A coach can help you to structure your training to ensure that you are striking the right balance between the different components and are hitting peak form at the right time. They can also hold you back when necessary to prevent overtraining and injury and can help to boost your confidence and motivation. There may also be medical support available in the form of physiotherapy and sports massage, meaning that you can really give your body the TLC that it deserves.

5. You can learn from others

Residential training camps provide the ideal opportunity to learn as they give you a valuable insight into the training practices and lifestyle of others. As a runner you should never stop learning, so whilst in the company of other runners and coaches, share and absorb as much knowledge as you can!

6. Your running will have a clearer sense of purpose

Away from the distractions of home, your sole reason for attending a training camp is to train. This enables you to really focus on your goals and gives your training a powerful sense of purpose. It’s therefore no surprise that many run campers return home with their confidence levels at an all-time high.