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How To Store Running Gels & Snacks During Your Long Runs

Written by realbuzz team | 03 Oct 2024

When embarking on a run, especially a longer run, taking on nutrition is incredibly important. This is because to maintain a high level of performance the body needs between 30-60 grams of carbohydrates an hour. So if you are running for over an hour, taking on fuel and allowing your body to ingest carbohydrates is vital (see our blog on the best snacks to take during a run).

However, one of the main pain points when it comes to taking on fuel during a run is storage. Where do you store running gels, bananas, water bottles, and other intra-run snacks that you need in order to maintain performance? 

Read on to find out more about why running nutrition is so important, and also the many different ways in which you can store your fuel during your run. 


Why Is It So Important To Fuel Yourself During Long Runs?

Nutrition is one of the most crucial factors which can affect your performance during physical activities such as running. When regularly running longer distances, understanding the importance of not just fuelling up before and after runs, but also taking on nutrition during runs is crucial. 

Too many inexperienced (and experienced) runners make the mistake of not fueling during their long runs. Because of this, they tend to hit a very humbling wall during or close to their second hour of running. The reasoning behind this is that the body needs a constant top-up of carbohydrates to keep energised and avoid fatigue. 

By taking on the right fuel every hour during your longer runs, you are replenishing your body's need for carbohydrates. When doing this you are ensuring that your muscles have all of the nutrition that they need to stay energised and to reduce the build-up of fatigue that is expected during longer endurance runs. 


4 Best Ways To Store Nutrition During A Long Run

Struggling to store your nutrition during long runs?

Well, you are not alone. That is why we have compiled this list of the four best ways to store nutrition during your runs.  


On The Body (Short-Term Solution) 

One of the cheapest ways of storing nutrition during longer runs is by having it on the body. This can be done by pinning it to your top, shorts, or sports bra. While this is not the most comfortable or practical solution, it definitely is a quick fix. 

If you are currently reading this and about to go on your long run or preparing your kit for a run in the morning, this method will be your best option. Simply find a safety pin and pin your gels to your clothing. This will keep them secure on the body and prevent you from having to hold your fuel while running. 

This can be made slightly more difficult if your fuel for the run consists of more than gels. Because of this, if you typically fuel yourself with items that are slightly bulkier than gels, then the upcoming options may be better for you. 


Running Vests 

Probably the most practical solution for storing running snacks and fuel is through wearing a running vest. A running vest is an incredibly lightweight and compact backpack with several pockets that allow runners to store water bottles, water bladders, phones, snacks, medical equipment and other belongings that an individual may want to take on a run. 

There are so many amazing running vests from so many different brands on the market, all with very useful pockets for storing nutrition. These vests allow you to take any kind of fuel whether that be water bottles, carbohydrate drink mixes, bread, sweets, and even a banana if that is your fuel of choice for a run. 

These vests are deliberately designed to be as unobtrusive and lightweight as possible and to allow runners to comfortably store their things without impacting their run. It is important to note that the amount of nutrition and water that these vests can hold can differ significantly depending on the brand and quality of the vests so it’s wise to do your research. 


Running Belts 

Another very common and effective solution to storing snacks while on a long run is using a running belt. A running belt is designed with a very similar concept to a running vest. It is a lightweight and comfortable belt that features spacious pockets which allow runners to store their belongings during a run.

While not as spacious as running vests, many people prefer the belt as they feel they are more comfortable and less restrictive. This is because they simply buckle securely at the waist and are designed to not bounce or cause any discomfort during a run, even when holding items such as gels, sweets, keys, phones, and any other items that you may want to take with you on your run.  


Running Shorts With Built-In Pockets 

Another very helpful piece of running apparel that can help to store snacks during a long run is running shorts that have been designed with built-in pockets. You will find that most running apparel or fitness apparel brands stock this style of shorts, so you will be able to find them easily with a simple Google search or by consulting other runners in your network for recommendations.  

These storage-friendly shorts are incredibly popular amongst avid runners as they give them the perfect place to store keys, phones, water, and other items. However, they are particularly useful during longer runs for storing nutrition and enabling your body to keep your body performing at its best. 


Alternative Ideas

If you are the type of runner who likes to carry nothing but yourself during your runs then the above solutions still may not work for you. If this is the case then you can start to think a bit more creatively about how you can solve the issue of nutrition storage for those long runs. 

Run With A Bike Buddy - If you have incredibly supportive friends and family who will do anything to help you out then a bike buddy may be an option for you. A bike buddy is an individual who cycles alongside you and keeps everything you need on hand. This means that you can get your refuel whenever you want without having to worry about carrying snacks on you. 

Plant Nutrition Along Your Route - Another idea is to plan out your route in advance and plant your water and snacks at different points of the route. This means that you can embark on your long run knowing that at different points of your route, you will have your different forms of nutrition set out and ready for you to consume. 

Run In Laps - Another very clever idea that can help you to carry as little as possible during your long runs is to plan a lapped route. This route can be around your house or your car where you have all the nutrition you need stored. This will then allow you to grab and consume your nutrition after every lap and save you from having to carry around anything. 

Event Aid Stations - If you are training for a specific event such as a half marathon or marathon, the course will often have multiple refuelling points and water stations throughout the course. So if you are worried about carrying fuel during events, the event will usually have you covered. You’ll get full details about this from your chosen race organisers. 


Guaranteed Entry To The Biggest Running Events In The World 

Are you a runner looking to book your next event? Want to make your miles mean more for amazing charities? 

Here at realbuzz, we work with the best running events in the world to offer guaranteed entry through charity places. All you have to do is meet fundraising goals for a cause close to your heart.