Ever get that Friday feeling and wish it could last forever? By trying out some of our clever ideas, you could certainly get one step closer. After all, Friday’s just another day in the week, so let’s see if we can make it Monday’s best friend, instead of its rival.
Although polar-opposites to many of us, the trick to beating Monday morning blues is to fool yourself into thinking it’s Friday. Let’s call it a ‘perception flip’ and turn a few things on their head.
1. Make Mondays sociable
Fridays are full of fun and exciting things to look forward to, so why should Mondays be any different? As well as boosting your mood on Sunday, scheduling social activities for Mondays presents a whole host of other benefits, too. Friends are less likely to be super-busy and booked up, cinemas less likely to be quite as pricey, bars and restaurants bursting at the seams with special offers and great deals to get the punters in.
2. Go gastro for lunch
A little self-indulgence goes a long way to boosting your mood and the best thing about Mondays is you have plenty of time to prepare your lunch the night before. After all, Sundays were just made for getting creative with packed lunches and having that extra time on your hands means you can truly think about and enjoy the experience. Or perhaps you’d rather hide away a little leftover Sunday roast to make for a Monday treat at work?
You could always go super-healthy and spend all Monday feeling content about being so good to your body. The options for Monday lunching are limitless and will certainly make the morning easier to get through.
3. Be a master of calm
After the relaxation and extra sleep of the weekend, sometimes our body clock needs a bit of readjusting come Monday morning . Rather than pressing snooze a dozen times, then rushing around, try having a nice calming bath before you head to bed on Sunday night, then set the alarm 30 minutes early. You could even head out for a run or brisk walk to help wake yourself up and clear your mind pre-commute.
4. Take the pressure off
Forget about making Mondays the first day of that new diet, or the day you tackle all those outstanding things on your ‘to do’ list you’ve had for ages. If you want to tackle something big, do it on another day instead. Set the start of your week free and it’ll help banish those Monday morning blues.
If you’re looking into how to plan your life or developing a life plan, be honest with yourself and admit it’s going to take more than just a Monday to make it all happen. With the pressure gone, you’ll have more clarity and focus to enjoy your day.
5. Embrace those breaks
If you’re given an hour for lunch, banish the Monday blues by taking a full 60 minutes. Even if you only get 30, it’s worth taking them all, so it feels like a proper break. Go for a stroll, head to a library, or wander round a few shops you’ve never ventured into before. You could even try an art gallery, or get creative and design your own art – it’s good for the mind and great for relaxation. Mondays are full of marvels when you know where to look.